13 reasons why Deer Designer is the best on-demand design service for you

Design process

On-demand design services. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, or if you’d like to know more about the on-demand model and industry, head to this article first.

We all can agree that on-demand services like Netflix, Uber, TaskRabbit, and many others deliver convenience, speed, and simplicity. Deer Designer, being an on-demand design service itself, promises the same – and more.

With Deer Designer, you can maximize every dollar your spend by focusing your time on the core business activities while we do all your design tasks for you.

How can we help you?​

1. Request as many designs as you want

When you subscribe to Deer Designer, you can create as many design requests as you need for your business or for your clients. We deliver thousands of design tasks every week, from social media graphics to web design, logos, branding and even print design work.

Have a look at our scope of service.

2. Scale faster and without headaches

As you grow, Deer Designer grows with you. You can add designers to your team to expedite bulk requests, especially during peak design seasons such as Christmas and Black Friday.

You probably keep track of your historical sales data and the market’s response during certain periods. And since you’re prepared for the surge, you can set your ads strategically to capture customers.

Deer Designer Feedback
You’ve got another designer, Deena. Enjoy 😊

3. Get your own design team, not just one designer

With Deer Designer, we partner you with THE BEST designer that’ll capture your brand.

On top of that, you also get an Account Manager that will do all the admin work for you such as coordinating your instructions, organizing your requests, their priorities, and assists you with your concerns.

You also get a Quality Assurance hero, who’ll check your designs, ensure our high standards have been met, and compare them with your brief even before it gets back to you.

Your one low monthly fee subscription gets you a design team with three people – how cool is that?

4. Control your expenses by pausing your subscription

Even in lean months, we help you by having an option to pause the service. You’re not tied to a long-term contract.

We believe in the quote: “If you love a client, let them go, and if they come back, they are always yours” 😘

Deer Designer Feedback

5. You are part of a proactive feedback loop

Your Deer Team won’t waste your time by working on an incomplete or unclear brief. They know that if they did, you’ll lose precious time giving directions for the revisions.

They might even get started on it to present you with options, but your feedback will be paramount to lead them to the right track.

And whenever they need more information before working on your design, they will proactively let you know.

Testimonial - Adam Lowe

6You’re always aware of the delivery times

Our turnaround time is around 1-2 days depending on the complexity of your requests (see the chart below). We dedicate enough time to every design request sent by our clients. And if you ask your Account Manager, they’ll let you know the most realistic timeline.

In any case, you always get daily updates on the progress of your tickets. Every day we make sure to add something valuable to the table.

And since you are informed when to expect the designs back, you can always work your schedule around it.

Average turnaround time for designs

7. Save time without having to D-I-Y

Do you remember all that time you wasted trying to do everything yourself?

Yup! That’s hours of your life you will never get back.

With Deer Designer, you will never have to touch Photoshop again: we’ll do it all for you. And because you own the ideas for the designs, you still have control over the outcome.

Testimonial - Mike Hennan

8. Easy with agnostic platforms

Deer Designer works with a super simple dashboard that you can use with whatever laptop or phone you’re comfortable with. This means that you won’t waste time learning a new app or a new way of communicating with your designer.

Also if you need to share the design process with someone in your team, it will be easy for them to catch up and understand how to get things done.

Testimonial - Dave Graham

9. One team, many skills

With other design services (or freelancers), you’re limited to the skills of ONE designer only. If they’re a web designer, they might not be good with print work. Or logos. Or even retouching imagery.

With Deer Designer, if you have a request that’s out of the designer’s comfort zone, there’s no need to worry because they are all part of multi-skilled Squads. Our Squads are groups of 10 to 12 designers with different skill-sets.

Whenever your designer isn’t comfortable with a particular design request, they can ask their Squad for help to deliver the best design options for you.

Idea Working Together Cartoon

10. Ego-free designer

Your Design Team improves their work through your constant feedback. The more you communicate with them, the better they get. Ego-free design means they will not stop with the revisions until you are 100% happy.

And with each design request, they learn from your positive (or negative) feedback. They take notes of your preferences so your following requests are consistent, without you having to explain things over and over again.

11. Consistent results

Consistency is the badge of a premium brand. With high-level instruction coming from you, together with our expertise across different media, you get consistency in your designs that will make your brand feel and look “big”.

12. Bespoke designs (no template B.S.)

“Personal is the new Professional”. Deer Designer understands that clear and consistent communication with the thought-leader (a.k.a. you) is key for a project’s success. This is why your Deer Designer Team leaves the line open for your feedback.

And with that, design solutions delivered are also unique to each client.

Testimonial - Gemma Doswell

13. Firm foundation, starting from the top

Thiago Carvalho, Deer Designer’s founder, has over 20 years of design and development experience and has worked with companies such as the Daily Mail, delivering multi-million marketing campaigns for Coca-Cola, Toyota, Samsung, and other worldwide brands.

He brings his background, experience and expertise to Deer Designer and all of that know-how is being applied to each Deer Designer clients.

Deer Thiago
Thiago Carvalho

I don’t know about you, but I trust a design company with a founder that has the mind and the heart of an experienced designer.

Deer Designer Feedback

Convinced yet?

Deer Designer, an on-demand design service, solves the problem of small and growing businesses when it comes to design work. It’s the most flexible service one can try out, especially when testing the waters in their market.

If you’re thinking of getting a design service (or a freelancer), we offer a free Client-Fit Call, which will give you an in-depth explanation of the work done and the quality of our deliverables.

You get more info about our processes, the deadlines we set, the end results, and anything else you need.

If you’d like to know more about Deer Designer, book a Client-Fit call today!

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Wow! After WordCamp US, we got so many new clients that all our teams are now taken. We don't want to let anyone down, so we're being careful about how many people we take on.

But don't worry, you can still get a spot! Leave your name and email, and we'll let you know as soon as your design team is ready to welcome you on board.

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