5 Graphic design tools you can’t live without

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This morning, I took my son to the clinic. In addition to the usual paediatrician, there was a younger doctor who appeared to be shadowing my son’s doctor.

Perhaps this younger doctor was an apprentice. The senior doctor requested that she check my son’s vitals and record information in the baby book. Following that, they discussed diagnosis and which medications should be prescribed.

But, even if the junior doctor did all of the work with the medical tools and equipment, the senior doctor still wore his stethoscope around his neck. 

Even if he didn’t need it right now, he kept this tool on hand because it was a part of his uniform.

Every profession has tools that are used on a daily basis. There’s a measuring tape for architects, a laptop for writers, and a walkie-talkie for the cops. Even if someone is promoted or has a subordinate, they don’t get rid of the tools they normally use.

The same is true for designers. Even if they eventually start a design company, they will need these tools to help them oversee the quality of their team’s work. 

Here are the tools that graphic designers (who have now become entrepreneurs) cannot live without.

A smartphone

Technically, a smartphone is not a piece of graphic design software. But where would an entrepreneur-designer be without their smartphone? 

It’s not just a tool for communicating with colleagues and clients, it’s also a tool for occasionally double-checking designs.

When you’re on the go and come across something inspiring, you can easily capture it with your camera or notepad and use it for research and organizing your creative process.

Many design tools have mobile app counterparts that can be downloaded for easy testing.


InDesign is the best tool for creating and publishing multipage documents with text, vector artwork, and images.

It can be used to create a variety of digital and printed materials, such as stationery, resumes, pamphlets, annual reports, catalogues, interactive digital publications, EPUBs, books, and magazines.


Adobe Illustrator is a popular tool for creating logos, promotional or branded content, icons, website graphics, digital artwork, and other graphics.

It is widely used in business for graphic design projects, as well as by illustrators who create digital artwork on a personal and professional level.


Adobe Photoshop is the most commonly used photo editing and manipulation software on the market. Its applications range from full-featured batch photo editing to creating intricate digital paintings and drawings that look hand-drawn.

Cloud storage

A laptop with a large RAM or a disc drive can help you in storing and backing up your files. However, if you’re a digital nomad travelling from one location to another, you’re at risk of having your device or bag stolen.

When this happens, file retrieval becomes nearly impossible. This is why it’s a good idea to save to the cloud as well. All saved files on cloud storage can be accessed from your smartphone – no matter where you are.

What’s the most powerful design tool?

The most powerful design tool is your brain, which is the source of all creative juice. Although technology has facilitated the process, great designs are still the result of brilliant minds.

You cannot risk overwhelming your mind by learning all of these tools. As you read this article, more design tools are being created! Imagine having to learn them all.

If you want a specific design, simply describe it in your design request, and the team will pick the best tool to create what you’ve envisioned.

Furthermore, because you have a team with diverse skill sets, you won’t have to worry about firing a designer who only knows one tool.

Tools make the life of a hustling designer-entrepreneur easier. Instead of investing in these tools, consider going a step further and investing in designers’ skills via an on-demand design service.

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