How to stay motivated and inspired as a creative: Inspiration is everywhere

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Where do you find motivation and inspiration as a creative?

Can you imagine running your car without gas (or batteries for you, EV users)?

It’s impossible, right?

You have a big hunk of metal that can potentially take you on miles of road trips and is now useless because you have no gas.

That’s what it’s like to be a great artist without inspiration or motivation.

As artists, inspiration is the spark that ignites our creativity.

It fuels our passion and drives us to create new and exciting work.

Whether you’re a designer, a painter, or a writer, staying inspired is essential for continuous growth and innovation.

Without it, we might still be able to pump out work, but the designs we create would be lackluster and bland.

The thing is, even the best designers can struggle with creative blocks sometimes.

I’ve been there, soooo many times!

Given that Deer Designer creates hundreds of designs every day, it is important for us to stay inspired and creative.

After all, that’s what our clients are paying us for!

In this guide, I’ll share some tricks I use for staying inspired and keeping your creative fire burning.

These tips are drawn from my experiences and the strategies I use to stay inspired in my own work.

Ways to stay inspired in everyday life

Sometimes inspiration is hiding in plain sight, in the everyday things around us.

Here are some ways to stay inspired on a daily basis:

Visiting places and surrounding yourself with people

How often do you just sit and observe the people bustling around you?

People-watching and observing your surroundings can provide a wealth of inspiration.

You don’t have to go far.

You can simply look out of your window or balcony.

For a fresher view, go visit a nearby mall or cafe.

Pay attention to the details of everyday life, like the patterns in a bustling market or the architecture of buildings.

Being surrounded by all of these people helps create a sense of purpose that lets us keep pushing through.

We are only a tiny part of this big world beyond our work.

Our little mistakes don’t matter.

We don’t have to overthink every little detail.

What truly matters is the greater impact we have on the people around us and the brands we have helped with our work.

Consider writing a journal

How in touch are you with your own thoughts?

You might find that you are not inspired simply because you are not listening to yourself.

As we are constantly working and just going through daily tasks one after the other, we can forget to listen to ourselves.

How are we feeling about today?

What has made us happy this week?

What task was making us feel overwhelmed?

What do we feel like creating?

Journaling is a powerful way to capture thoughts, ideas, and observations.

Write down anything that catches your interest, from snippets of conversations to descriptions of places.

I keep a design journal where I jot down ideas, sketch concepts, and paste inspiring images that I can go back to later.

Stay inspired by the power of nature

There’s a reason why you always see motivational quotes telling you to stay positive with a scenic nature photo in the background.

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Find inspiration in the beauty of nature.

Nature has always been a profound source of inspiration for artists.

Its beauty, diversity, and ever-changing forms can spark new creative ideas and refresh your mind.

This is also why, when you’re feeling down, people often tell you to go on a walk and experience nature (or touch grass).

Here are some ways you can recharge through nature:

Taking inspirational walks

Stepping outside and immersing yourself in natural surroundings can provide a much-needed break from screens and stimulate your senses.

I often take walks in parks or on nature trails.

Observing the colors, textures, and patterns in nature can inspire new design elements and color palettes.

If you don’t have a nearby park, you can take a walk through your neighborhood.

See the trees and landscaping in your surroundings.

Listen to the sounds of the birds and the bees.

It would also be a great idea to take a vacation and visit a more scenic place for a nature walk.

Find your motivation in nature photography

If you’re into photography, capturing the beauty of nature is a great breather from the glaring studio lights and stark buildings we often see.

You never know what images you will take on a nature walk.

You’re always going to be in for a surprise.

You might find a rare bird or flower.

The details on leaves you never bothered to zoom into before may amaze you.

This gives you a sense of wonder and puts into perspective that you are part of a greater world that goes beyond your work and design projects.

It’s not just purely motivational, either.

Whether it’s a close-up of a flower or a wide landscape shot, these images can serve as references for future projects.

I keep a collection of nature photos that I revisit whenever I need a creative boost.

Stay inspired and motivated through other artworks

There’s nothing like the inspiration you get from other art.

Exposure to different forms of art and design can open your mind to new possibilities and techniques.

It’s always a great day when something I find makes me go, “Oh, I didn’t know you could do that!”

Here are some ways you can expose yourself to different artworks:

Visit art galleries and museums

Art galleries and museums are treasure troves of inspiration.

Seeing the work of other artists up close can give you fresh perspectives and ideas.

Whether you’re looking at the time- and labor-intensive work of classical artists or the innovative and quirky works of contemporary designers, you’re bound to find something new and inspiring.

The feeling of walking and visiting a new place is bound to energize you too!

I make it a point to visit local galleries and check out the museums when I visit new places on vacation to see both new exhibits and classic masterpieces.

Check out online design platforms and LinkedIn

Turn your next doom scroll into a quest to feel inspired instead.

Platforms like Behance, Dribbble, Pinterest, and even LinkedIn are great for exploring a wide range of design styles and trends.

Instead of just filling your feed with eCommerce stores and influencers giving you links to buy something, boost your energy and motivation by following talented artists instead.

You not only surround yourself with art but also get to stay up-to-date with design trends online.

I always spend time browsing these sites to see what other designers are creating.

Boosting productivity through continuous learning

When we were in school, we had a set to-do list for our homework, research work, tests, etc.

We always had something to do and something to aim for to keep us going.

Every test and end-of-semester requirement is essentially a list of achievable goals pre-made for everybody through a curriculum.

While it is challenging our skills, the teachers know that it is manageable and that if we try hard enough, we can achieve our goals.

When we are out of school, we have to create our own goals.

Usually, these goals just involve our day-to-day work or long-term milestones in life like getting married, having a car, or owning a house.

We often forget to add improving our skills to these goals or to-do lists.

Continuous learning and experimentation are key to keeping your creativity alive as you are constantly challenged.

Here are some ways you can continuously learn, even as an adult creative professional:

Taking online design courses

Learning new skills and techniques can reignite your passion for your craft and help you stay motivated.

Taking an online design course helps you do this in a more structured way, with goals and timelines that help keep you on track.

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Set goals for yourself and continue learning.

It’s like being in school again but with your own schedule and healthier ways of maintaining your motivation.

(No more teachers pressuring you with your failing grades or late submissions. Phew.)

Websites like Skillshare, LinkedIn Learning, and Coursera offer courses on various design topics.

I recently took a course on Figma design, which, while I was familiar with it, I couldn’t say I was an expert in.

This course opened up a whole new area of design for me.

Try new tools and techniques

There’s a reason why it’s extra motivating to go to the gym if you have a fresh new workout outfit and matching shoes.

It’s the same reason why it’s so exciting to drive a new car.

Things can get monotonous and repetitive after a while.

When you’re just not feeling inspired by your work, you can consider trying new tools and techniques.

Get yourself a new drawing tablet.

Try a different design software.

Try a different method to do layouts and blending.

Sometimes, this little change in your life can help boost your motivation levels and get the creative juices going.

This new, unexplored territory is a great challenge that lets you think of creative ways to get things done.

Experimenting with new tools and techniques can lead to unexpected and eventually exciting results.

Find your motivation by collaborating with others

There’s nothing more inspirational than working with other creatives.

You can see how they work and the several strategies they use for their designs.

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Surround yourself with fellow creatives.

Personally, I end up thinking, “If they can do it, why can’t I?” when I find the time to work with fellow creatives.

Collaboration can bring fresh perspectives and ideas that you might not have thought of on your own.

Here are some ways you can find and collaborate with other creatives for both personal and professional designs:

Join creative communities

Being part of a creative community can be incredibly motivating.

Join groups or forums where you can share your work, get feedback, and collaborate on projects.

I’m a member of several online design communities, where I connect with other designers and share ideas.

It’s great because I see the problems other people have that I might have as well or something that I can offer a solution to.

Everyone just wants to help each other succeed, and it feels like having a support group to back you up.

Work on group projects

Collaborating on group projects can push you out of your comfort zone and introduce you to new ways of thinking.

Have you tried working with other people on a complex website or a design event?

It sure is challenging at the beginning, but it gives you a great sense of accomplishment in the end.

Staying curious and open-minded

If you really think about it, inspiration and creativity all come from curiosity and open-mindedness.

As a designer, you initially found design work interesting and got curious enough to try to see if you could make the designs yourself.

It’s all about maintaining this curiosity and open-mindedness that sustains you through the years of design work.

It can be hard.

A few years down the line, you might think, “I’ve seen this all before” or “This is just an updated version of this old trend.”

Here are some strategies to help you stay curious and open-minded:

Explore different cultures and their diversity

Learning about different cultures and their art forms can provide a rich source of inspiration.

Travel if you can, or explore different cultures through books, documentaries, and online resources.

It’s a great way to find entirely new art forms and see connections between cultures with shared histories.

I find that studying traditional art forms from around the world often inspires new design ideas.

Stay open to new experiences

Embrace new experiences and be open to inspiration from unexpected places.

Whether it’s trying a new hobby, attending a workshop, or even watching a movie, new experiences can spark creativity.

You get to meet different people, try new things, and see inspiration in these new experiences.

Taking care of yourself comes first

You can’t expect yourself to stay inspired if you are running on no sleep and aren’t eating well.

Creativity thrives when you take care of your mental and physical well-being.

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Don’t forget to take care of yourself.

Are you getting enough rest?

Rest is crucial for a healthy mind and a healthy mind is an inspired mind.

Ensure you get enough sleep and take regular breaks throughout the day.

I find that my best ideas often come after a good night’s sleep or a short nap.

Sure, I might think I’m a genius when I’m delirious and sleep-deprived, but looking back, all those ideas were really just incoherent ramblings.

Prioritize your sleep!

Consider practicing meditation

Yes, it might sound like nonsense, but mindfulness can actually help clear your mind and reduce stress.

Without cluttered and chaotic thoughts, you can start making room for creative thoughts.

I know some of our team members practice meditation daily, and it helps them stay focused and calm, especially during busy project times.

You’re less likely to succumb to pressure when you have inner peace.

Seeking inspiration from within

Even within your own work, there are ways to find inspiration and keep your creativity flowing.

Revisit your past projects

Looking back at your past projects can remind you of techniques and ideas you might have forgotten.

Sometimes, an old project can spark a new direction.

I often review my portfolio, and it’s interesting to see how my style has evolved and where I can draw inspiration from my previous work.

It lets you see things like “Oh, I used to do this. Now I’m better.” or “Why don’t I do this anymore? I should try this again.

Set personal challenges

Personally, I do best when running a challenge.

I love to set creative challenges that push my boundaries.

For example, you can challenge yourself to create a new design every day for a month.

It’s a fantastic way to generate new ideas and improve your skills.

Tips for staying motivated

Inspiration is all around us, waiting to be discovered.

By exploring nature, art, and everyday life, learning new skills, staying curious, and collaborating with others, we can keep our creative spark alive.

Remember, inspiration fuels creativity, and creativity drives growth and innovation.

With the tips and strategies shared in this post, you can find inspiration in every corner of your life and keep your creative fire burning brightly.

Happy creating!

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Key takeaways

  • As creatives, it’s impossible for us to create without inspiration or motivation. It only produces lackluster designs we wouldn’t be proud of. It’s important to find inspiration in the little things we encounter every day.
  • It helps to keep a journal, change up your workstation, and surround yourself with people.
  • Nature is also a great source of inspiration, whether you’re just taking a walk and breathing in the air or taking photos of the little insects you encounter.
  • You can surround yourself with inspiring artwork by going to galleries or following creatives on design platforms online.
  • Boost your skills with online design courses and try new tools and techniques to challenge yourself.
  • Surround yourself with other creatives through creative communities and try collaborating.
  • Taking care of yourself can help you find inspiration from within.

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