Where and how to advertise your Podcast

radio announcer dj podcast cartoon

Among the traditional media (TV, radio, and print), radio has a special place in my heart because I was once a radio DJ. 

Years ago, I had an hour stint every week to play the latest pop music, read shoutouts from listeners and interview upcoming artists.

The trivia part of my show was what I loved and prepared for the most. When I shared amazing information about the song or the artist, I felt I was giving the listeners more reasons to appreciate the music. 

Edutainment is gold and I made sure I put more of it in my show.

So when I first learned about podcasts – which are audio shows full of information made specifically for a niche audience – I wanted to learn more about them.

The term podcast is a combination of iPod and Broadcast. When the phrase was coined, the majority of people were listening to podcasts on Apple’s iPod.

As a result, when Ben Hammersley coined the name “podcasting” to characterize the new way of delivering content, it stuck.

There was a challenge for me though. When it became a thing, I didn’t have enough money to own an iPod or data subscription for me to constantly listen from my phone. I guess at that time, the medium was for the rich minority.

It took me years to finally catch up. When I finally found a way to download podcasts then listen through my own .mp3 player, I was hooked. I would listen to it while I took a bath, when I prepared lunch, and even during my commutes.

How can podcasts be beneficial to your business?

Podcasts are for busy people. Most of the time, the prime target of B2B companies (like yours) are the busy C-Level executives. You want to provide them with valuable insights in the background while they do something else.

Since audio content allows the listener to multitask, a podcast is a perfect medium to discuss and share your knowledge and services.

A recent study showed that while 49% of podcast listening happens at home, 22% happens while driving, 11% at work, and 8% while exercising.

where people listen to podcast infographics

Podcast listeners are also hyper-targeted and because of this, it has a few benefits for your brand:

  • Podcasts give businesses an alternative to other forms of content to connect with their audience, and a venue for sharing their products or services, and expertise.
  • Podcasts that talk about well-researched concepts place you/your company as an expert and authority in your market niche.

How to advertise your podcast?

Use the wide reach social media platforms provide

  • As of January 2022, 58.4% of the world’s population is on social media. Or the equivalent of 4.62 billion people.
  • The best social media platforms for podcasts are Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • 94% of podcast listeners every month are, at the very least, active on one social media platform.

Release your content to podcast directories

A podcast directory is a “meeting place” for podcasts and their subscribers. It’s a listening app or site that internet users go to search for podcasts they’re interested in and subscribe to.

Make sure that your recordings are published in Apple and Google Podcasts, Spotify, Podchaser, etc.

Equip your podcast website with subscription tools

Enable your website’s subscription tools that convert new visitors to podcast subscribers.

Set up a handy “subscribe to podcasts” page on your website that has easy-to-follow instructions on how visitors can subscribe to directories where your podcasts are available.

How to effectively use social media for your podcasts?

Facebook is a great place to launch a successful advertising campaign

As of October 2021, Facebook has 2.910 billion active users. 66% of these log in every day.

To advertise your podcast on Facebook, go to your Facebook page where you have admin rights. On the left side of the screen, click on the Podcast.

Make sure nobody in your team has already added the podcast that you’re about to add. Then click on the “Add Podcast”.

Join online forums that are related and relevant to your industry

Online forums like Quora, Google Answers, Stack Overflow, and Reddit are websites that allow collaboration and exchange of insights and information with people of almost the same interests, profession, or background as yours.

Join in the conversation and invite some contributors to listen to your podcast especially if they can find the answer to their questions there.

Post relevant and eye-catching images

When featuring your podcast, choose the option where you can upload audio and then include an eye-catching photo of the podcast host and the guest. Pictures of real people drive more engagement especially if it’s a thought leader.

We can help you design all the social media posts you need, just provide us with a high-resolution photo of your guests.

We can even edit out the background to make it look more professional. We will also add elements to signal that it’s a podcast they’re about to subscribe to.

Podcast design samples

Take a piece of the podcast pie

It’s been proven that audio recordings like podcasts are more effective in drawing the listeners’ attention, especially for niche topics and micromarketing campaigns.

Busy executives love this format because they can focus on the information while they multitask.

The key to successfully advertising a well-thought podcast is to have it distributed to as many social media platforms as you can manage. By posting valuable content regularly, you and your brand can be part of your clients’ everyday lives and habits.


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