Which is better: Deer Designer or ManyPixels?

Deer Designer vs Many Pixels Comparison

Thinking twice about using ManyPixels?

Oh yes, you are.

Let me be as honest as I can and lay down a few facts for you.

If you got to this article, you might know what subscription design services are. Not sure? Check out this article first.

ManyPixels is a lot like Deer Designer. They claim to pair you up with a designer whose expertise matches your needs. You can use their services to request any kinds of design you need for your business.

ManyPixels can design social media images to print and digital designs, landing pages and blogs, diagrams, and even logos. It also has its own app, with which you have to be familiar, to log and manage your design requests.

ManyPixels do have, however, 3 weaknesses:

One Client, just One Designer

With ManyPixels, you get one designer to do your design work. That’s it.

Let’s say you usually request print design work and, one day, you need custom illustrations for a specific project. If the designer they assigned to you isn’t comfortable with those tasks, I’m so sorry!

You may become stressed and dissatisfied with the quality of the designs you are about to get.

You know it’s almost impossible to find a single designer that has a wide range of abilities.

At Deer Designer, we recognize this dilemma.

Each deer designer works in a Squad of 10-12 designers with many design skills (e.g.: web design, print design, custom illustrations, photo retouching, etc).

If your most common design needs are for print work and sometimes you need a website designed for a client, your Deer Designer will get someone in their Squad (who is better at web design work) to do it for you.

Mind you, your designer will still make sure the designs stay consistent with your brand, but now you’re getting a professional designer for that specific task. You won’t get a mediocre design just because you have a fixed designer and they don’t have the skills you need.

Deer Designer goes the extra mile

When you sign up for Deer Designer, you do not just get a designer, you get your own Design Team.

Apart from the dedicated designer, you also get an Account Manager to do all the admin work, clarify instructions, ask follow-up questions, and assist you with prioritizing your requests.

And there’s more! You also get a Quality Assurance Hero in your team to double-check your designer’s output, making sure that all the “T”s are crossed and every “I” is dotted. So you don’t waste your time with repetitive revisions.

We leave the designer to focus 100% on creative work and leave the admin (a.k.a boring stuff) for the Account Manager and QA. We value your time as much as you do.

Their Essential Package is missing the essential

With ManyPixels, you only get PowerPoint design when you sign up for the Advanced or the Business plans. I think ManyPixels has placed the cart in front of the horse here.

Isn’t the point of using slide decks to get more clients and close more deals so you can get more sales?

I firmly believe that presentation designs must be included even in the basic plan to support budding entrepreneurs.

Unfortunately, with Manypixels’ essential package – their most affordable subscription – you won’t get your PowerPoint slides designed for you.

Money Talks for ManyPixels 💸

My heart sank when I read in their pricing that only those who will pay USD 899/month get prioritized support.

Deer Designer serves each client equally by dedicating ample time to render quality work every day, regardless of the selected plan.

More importantly: with Deer Designer, you, as the client, are in control.

If you foresee an influx of design requests, you can quickly add designers to your team, which will mean faster turnarounds for your requests and multiple tasks done at the same time. And if the work reduces, you can always downgrade and pause a few designers.

Sorry ManyPixels, but we at Deer Designer truly dedicate time and effort to our service. Even if this sounds cheesy, happy clients matter to us, a LOT.

Deer Designer Feedback 6

Foundation is everything

Quentin Gilon, ManyPixels’ CEO, comes from a Banking/Analytical background. Is there anything wrong with that? Absolutely not.

But if you’re looking for a creative solution, wouldn’t you rather work with a company which the founder builds its foundation from a creative background?

Thiago Carvalho, Deer Designer’s founder, has over 20 years of design and development experience, has worked with companies such as the Daily Mail, delivering marketing campaigns for Coca-Cola, Toyota, Samsung, and many other worldwide brands.

Now, Thiago brings his experience and expertise to Deer Designer and all of that know-how is being applied to Deer Designer clients.

I don’t know about you, but WHY a company is doing what they’re doing and the principles behind it really matters to me when choosing a provider.

Many Pixels Alternative

Deer Designer can help you with your graphic design needs and more:

With our dedication, our clients feel and believe that we are part of their team. It is an honour! We help them have an impact on their communities. Here are some of their feedbacks:

Deer Designer Feedback
Deb - Polished Geek

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