15 lead magnet suggestions for your web design firm

hand giving lead magnet in exchange of client information
The purpose of a lead magnet is twofold: capturing leads and reinforcing authority

I had to take an entrance exam to get into one of the best universities. 

I was up against thousands of other applicants, and to make matters more difficult, I chose a course that had a limited number of spots. That means that for that school year, they will only let in a small number of freshmen.

I enrolled in a college entrance exam review course to improve my chances of success. I was so happy when they invited a passer to my preferred course. 

During her talk, I hugged the microphone for questions, and she was gracious enough to assist me in any way she could.

But I needed more, so I approached her after the event and asked if I could borrow the sample dry run exam booklet she used. 

She told me that it might not be the same as the exam I was going to take, but she was happy to give it to me a week later.

About a month before the test, I called her again to return the booklet and ask if she could help me study. I did pay her for her time, of course.

Thankfully, I passed the entrance exam.

She gave me a lead magnet in the form of a sample dry-run exam booklet. 

She wasn’t trying to sell anything, but it helped to establish her authority as a state university graduate. I was desperate for the information, so I was even willing to pay for it.

Logically, she was the first person I thought of when I needed a mentor.

A lead magnet provides value in the form of professional advice, knowledge, guides, how-tos, answers or solutions to your audience’s problems. 

It serves as a preparatory step before people buy from you. It will make them trust you more, which will make buying from you easier.

Here are some lead magnet ideas to get you started.

Resources that can be downloaded

Lead magnets are frequently useful and downloadable content that is pertinent to your business. Examples include:

  1. Research papers
  2. Worksheets
  3. E-books
  4. Case studies
  5. Webinar transcripts
  6. Instructions or how-tos
  7. Short courses

These resources are typically lengthy and thus require a significant amount of time to prepare.

Lead magnets do not need to be a hundred pages long. The ideal page number is 10-15. They could be condensed into a useful chunk of information that can convert a visitor into a customer.

Assets that can be printed

Printable lead magnets in PDF format are popular due to their ease of use. PDF files are editable and can be downloaded and shared on a variety of devices. They are as follows:

  1. Checklists (ex: shopping list, step-by-step process, etc.)
  2. Templates (ex: email or resume templates)
  3. Leaflets
  4. Organizers
  5. Calendars

Responsive lead magnets

Face-to-face marketing, also called field marketing, is mostly about talking to your target audience outside of your office. To serve as lead magnets, you can bundle physical products or turn them into digital products.

TIP: Your lead magnets don’t have to be files or documents. They could be anything else that your company offers as a marketing tool, such as:

  1. Product or service demonstrations
  2. Product trial or sampling for free
  3. Consultations and quotes, and so on.

Deer Designer lead magnet samples

Level the playing field with a lead magnet

According to statistics, the United Kingdom spent billions on digital advertising in 2021 to offset the devastating economic impact of the pandemic. 

While large corporations can easily spend this amount, small and medium-sized businesses must be creative in attracting clients.

Giving away lead magnets in exchange for information is an excellent (albeit natural) way to market your services. It doesn’t have to be complicated. 

Organize content you’ve published before into a proper document and Deer Designer will create the designs for you.

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But don't worry, you can still get a spot! Leave your name and email, and we'll let you know as soon as your design team is ready to welcome you on board.

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