4 Logo ideas for food and beverage companies

grocery aisle product logo cartoon

Can you imagine how many food and beverage companies are out there? Aside from the restaurant and food trucks, just by visiting your local grocery store, you’ll have an idea of how lucrative this industry is.

Big food companies can get away with an ugly logo. Kirkland Signature, Costco’s private label brand, is mentioned in a list of the worst logos of all time.

But during bulk discounts and price drops, customers actually do not mind the atrocious branding.

How about small and medium food businesses? They certainly can’t afford to have a logo malfunction especially since they’re starting to build a brand from the ground up.

Food company owners can’t delay creating a logo for their brand because not only is this needed for advertising and marketing, they also might have to put it on the packaging.

However, they can’t simply copy a random logo, and most of them can’t just create one themselves.

Food company logo ideas

If you are starting from scratch, here are some sources of ideas for food and beverage company logos:

Design related to the brand name

One common technique in the ideation of a logo is to relate it to the meaning of the brand.

For instance, the Nestle food company logo depicts a nest with the mother bird and her chicks. This illustration was made since the word “nestle” means to settle or shelter in a nest.

This logotype is usually used by big brands because with their familiarity, their logo doesn’t have too much explaining to do.

Design related to letters of the name

If you can create a catchy acronym for your brand, it’s a good idea to include it in the logo. Executing it though can become quite tricky because mixing typography with images can look cluttered and tacky.

For this to work, it’s better to have the words food, restaurant, or catering attached to it to avoid confusion.

Have a look at JBS Foods and you can find that its logo is just the “JBS” with red and white curves. Take note that simplicity works well with this type of logo.

Design related to the speciality

This strategy works well with restaurants or kiosks. Choose your best seller dish and incorporate it in the logo.

For example, if your veggie mushroom burger tastes like real meat, feature it. If the crabs you serve come all the way from Alaska, make sure there is an illustration of that. This way, when the customers visit, they know what to try first.

You might be tempted to include all the dishes from the menu because “everything tastes good”, but less is more when it comes to logo design.

Indirect Representation

Indirect representation is when the logo tells the story of the company or the owner itself and doesn’t have any food icons or words included. Oftentimes, this is what happens during a rebrand after years of success.

Because the food brand has become a household name, the founder can just choose to keep the significant elements and the colour for the logo.

Food and restaurant logos rebrand often

Because of frequent changes in menu and management, restaurants often rebrand. There are many other reasons including improving PR and increasing sales.

If ever you dislike your food company’s logo over time, you can always get a professional to create new branding options for your business. The best idea always lies with you and how it can be translated visually for customers to appreciate.

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