4 Myths and truths in outsourcing design tasks

Let’s go down memory lane for a while. Did you ever pay someone to do your homework in school? (guilty as charged!). If you said yes to that, then you’ve outsourced a service, my friend.
I mean, it’s not the best example, because we were supposed to do our homework and all, but sometimes we just didn’t have enough time, you know?
Especially when we had to go to soccer practice, or had a play, or even study for that math quiz all at once!
Now that we’re all grown up and running our businesses, we’re pretty busy bees, right? And that’s when outsourcing design comes in super handy. I know it sounds all boring and business-like, but trust me, it’s cool and useful.
There are a few myths about outsourcing design that people believe. So, let me debunk them for you!
Design outsourcing myths
Myth #1: Outsourcing design means lower-quality work
Expecting lower-quality work just because it’s outsourced is just plain wrong. Luxury designer brands outsource their production to other countries and yet the quality remains the same.
Outsourcing design can lead to higher quality work because you have access to a wider pool of talented designers. Plus, outsourcing lets you focus on your core competencies while leaving the design work to the experts. It’s a win-win situation!
Take a look at some of our designs and we’ll let you be the judge.
Samples of design work by Deer Designer
Myth #2: Outsourcing design is only for big companies
Even small businesses can benefit from outsourcing design. Outsourcing can be a great way for small businesses to level the playing field with larger companies.
By outsourcing design, small businesses can access the same high-quality design work as larger companies without having to hire a full-time designer.
If you take a peek at our long list of super happy clients, you’ll see that the majority of them are small and medium business owners.
Myth #3: Outsourcing design is too expensive
While outsourcing design can be more expensive than doing it in-house, depending on the skill level of the team you’re hiring, it’s not necessarily out of reach for small businesses. There are plenty of options, including on-demand design services.
Do you know what’s more expensive? Opportunity loss. When you have to limit the number of clients you can have because you’re overwhelmed by design requirements you can easily outsource to us.
Myth #4: Outsourcing design means giving up control
Loss of control is a common fear among business owners, but it’s not necessarily true when you delegate design tasks. When you outsource design, you still have control over the final product.
You can work closely with the designer or agency, and you can provide feedback along the way to make sure everything is on track. Ultimately, it is about finding the right partner who can help you achieve your goals.

Myths busted!
The only way to legitimately bust myths is to try them out yourself. I invite you to take the advantage of Deer Designer’s 14-day satisfaction guarantee so you can easily test and bust these 4 myths.
Outsourcing design can be a great way to improve the quality of your work, level the playing field with larger companies, and save money in the long run.
Don’t let these myths hold you back from exploring the benefits of outsourcing for your business, try us out!