Be inspired by these 4 famous female designers

Excellent woman designer
Women have the genes for design excellence.

I’m lucky to have a sister who’s a professional designer. She’s the most creative in the family. 

Her touch makes anything prettier and she can literally convert “trash” into treasure. She’s the reason why I’ve always believed that design is a career for women.

Effortlessly, she makes her clients happy with every project assigned to her. She is one of the fortunate few who can make a living doing something she enjoys.

Design is more than just a job; it’s a lifestyle. It’s a hobby that women take very seriously. When it comes to the best designers, there are a lot of female designers in the mix. Some people are born with a desire to make beautiful things.

Even if you aren’t one of these people, you can be inspired by these five famous female designers.

Carolyn Davidson

Carolyn Davidson
Carolyn Davidson

Carolyn established herself as one of the most notable female graphic designers when she designed the iconic Nike Swoosh on their logo. 

She was even dubbed “The Logo Lady.” The Nike word was removed, leaving the swoosh as the sole Nike logo.

You’d think a major advertising or branding firm would have created an image this iconic after being paid millions to devise the advertising strategy. But no. 

Carolyn designed the Nike Swoosh in 1971. Trivia: Her fee for this important piece of design history? $35.

Jane Davis Doggett

Jane Davis Doggett
Jane Davis Doggett

Jane Davis was regarded as a trailblazer in wayfinding graphics by her artistic peers, having designed signage for over 40 international airports.

She also proposed that airport terminals be named in the English alphabet (A, B, C…) to make approach and access easier.

Her first airport project was the Memphis airport in 1969, but she has since created way-finding systems for major airports and many others.

While researching, this type of design piqued my interest and helped me appreciate the functionality of design.

Because of this well-thought-out and executed designs, 20 million aeroplane passengers find their way around airports each year. Jane, thank you so much!

Paula Scher

Paula Scher
Paula Scher

Paula has been described as a “master conjurer of the instantly familiar.” Her work straddled the fine art and pop culture divide. Paula’s client list included many well-known and reputable brands, including Saturday Night Live and Tiffany & Co.

Scher held a large portfolio of internationally recognised logos, maps, and posters, including designs for Citibank, CNN, and Windows 8. Her most well-known works include the new Windows 8 and Office 2010 logos.

Gail Anderson

Gail Anderson
Gail Anderson

From 2002 to 2010, Gail was the creative director of Design at Spot Co. This advertising firm helped create some of the most magnificent artwork for Broadway and institutional theatre.

Gail Anderson’s works were highly vibrant, colourful, and enthralling. She mastered the art of “theatrical typography,” which she has shared through award-winning editorials, posters, and signage for nearly 35 years.

But did you know Anderson spent 14 years working with GQ’s creative director, Fred Woodward, or that she thinks the original Ford Mustang is one of the best designs ever?

Dream big and continue to learn

I hope you enjoyed this article about famous female designers. As designers, we must examine the work of both male and female designers. 

Taking design inspiration from others can help us create better designs for ourselves and our clients.

These incredible women did not achieve their success by chance. Hard work and discipline are required for success, and I hope you take this brief feature to heart.

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