Figuring out Deer Designer vs Flocksy

Deer Designer vs Flocksy Comparison

In this article, I am going to lay out another on-demand design services comparison and this time, it is between Flocksy and Deer Designer. Feel free to check my previous one here.

Flocksy is a platform that offers graphic design, copywriting, video editing, SEO, web, and email design to businesses for a monthly fee.

Three entrepreneurs with backgrounds in technology and marketing founded the business and hired designers, writers, coders, and voice-over artists for these services.

Their long list of services is blinding. However, if you need all the services they’re offering at all times, Flocksy wins any on-demand design services comparison.

You do need to ask yourself though: Do you need ALL of it? Will their designs be effective and reflect your brand?

When you try to do many things, you become a “Jack of all trades, master of none”. Thing is, a big rule of marketing is FOCUS. That’s why a laser is able to cut through things.

With Flocksy, you might feel like a vegetarian in an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Decision paralysis cartoon
One thing at a time, please! 😵

On-Demand Design Comparison,On Demand Design,On-Demand Design

Having copywriting or video editing options in their packages makes Flocksy seem “worth it”, but it might not be the best alternative if you’re looking for premium quality and effective design work.

Let’s get started with the head to head

Brands/clients limitations

Flocksy only lets you have designs done for 5 brands (or clients) of your choice. That’s not enough if you are a web or marketing agency, or if your company delivers solutions for multiple clients.

Deer Designer will create designs for an unlimited number of clients or brands. Each one of them will have its own space with their brand guides, assets and preferences.

Why limit the number of brands, Flocksy? We’re trying to help companies grow here!

Testimonial - Jennie Lakenan
Jennie, we love you back ♥

Quality control for peace of mind

With Flocksy, you get one professional to do your work. But who’s revising their outputs? An additional team member can make or break design success.

This is one edge that Deer Designer has to win on the “on-demand design services comparison”. You get a Quality Assurance hero with your Deer Design Team.

We have the Hulk Meme

The QA’s role is done by a senior designer and their goal is to ensure each design delivered matches the brief and is created within our high standards. Even before you see your designs, the QA will have requested a few changes on your behalf.

This process helps you save time by mitigating the need for too much back and forth with revisions.

Your QA hero is our secret weapon to making sure your designs never look amateur. Take a look at this testimonial from a previous Flocksy client:

Testimonial - Dave Graham

The Hulk Smashing Loki Gif
Flocksy has an army. Deer Designer has a Hul… erm… a QA hero.

Same team, consistency is key

Flocksy says that, for each of your design requests, their “algorithm” matches you with a different designer. Now, two things:

An algorithm? Really? Heck no! I’d rather have a real person choosing my professional to deliver CREATIVE services. Have you ever seen a robot dance? Hard pass!

Second: each request a different designer? Good luck having to explain your brands and preferences over and over again…

Deer Designer gives you a dedicated designer. And that’s for all brands and clients you might be working with. As you build a relationship with your designer, they’ll learn your preferences.

And as you work with the same person consistently, they KNOW you and are able to provide their best work for your design.

Obs: Apparently they also let you pick a designer in their team. But honestly, who’s got time for that? If you have to look for a designer and check all their portfolios, you might as well hire a freelancer.

Easier request and feedback process with Deer Designer

With Flocksy, you can’t create requests nor reply with feedback via email. You have to log in to the system, click on lots of buttons… ugh.

With Deer Designer, although you can use our dashboard, you’re able to simply describe your design in an email. We made it easier for you because a fast feedback loop is mutually beneficial. We want to make the perfect designs for you without the hassle!

Deer Designer vs Flocksy

Here is a quick comparison:

FlocksyDeer Designer
Unlimited designs
Dedicated designer
Account manager
Quality analyst
Unlimited brands ✅

And the winner is…

Deer Designer believes in tailor-fitting a design solution for you, not just giving you a buffet of design options and then walking away with your money.

With Deer Designer’s dedication to delivering premium quality graphic designs, we are ahead in the “on-demand design services comparison” against Flocksy.

In the end, the client (you), must always win.

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