Robots vs Humans : Who will win a web design battle?

human beating artificial intelligence
Humans have the upper hand in web design versus artificial intelligence

Who would Tony Stark be without J.A.R.V.I.S.? Batman, probably.

web agency, web design, web design tips, web designer, website design

Many tech nerds dream to build their own J.A.R.V.I.S. – the useful, efficient, and cool poster child of AI. Progress has been made in this area. You can now take notes, call, or open an app on your phone using only a voice prompt.

Many people are astounded by how Artificial Intelligence (AI) boosts productivity and democratises labour. Many industries are making use of AI in some form or another, and many employees wonder if AI will eventually replace them in the company.

Can AI generate original creative work? Yes, but it will take a long time, perhaps decades before it completely replaces web designers.

Even though AI is a powerful technology, its capabilities do not yet match human abilities, owing to the fact that it is still in its infancy.

The need for humans and their web design skills

My friend recently discovered that she could call friends simply by talking to “Siri” (Apple’s virtual assistant). Unfortunately, she speaks with a heavy accent.

F: Hey Siri…Call Sean

S: Calling John

F: Hey Siri…Call Sean

S: Calling Don

F: Hey Siri…Call Sean

S: Calling Shine

Frustrated, she ended up dialling the number manually after cursing and trying to keep her hand from throwing her phone away. 

If Siri can’t detect idiosyncrasies in language and accents right now, a J.A.R.V.I.S.-like programme for web design is a long way off.

Don’t expect a programme to create a website from the ground up exactly the way you want it. Robots and AI will need more precise programming to translate and deliver what you require.

You’ll need professional and dependable web designers and their human touch to get the design exactly how you want it.

Web designers create the design or layout for a website or web pages, whereas web developers make the designs functional by writing code. Their works are the essence of web development. 

Certain skills are required to complete such jobs, such as:

  • Imagination
  • Creativity
  • Analytical and communication skills
  • Attention to detail
  • IT skills
  • Technical ability
  • Knowledge of design and programming tools

A designer’s thoughts and abilities cannot be automated. Web designers are in charge of creating a website’s design and layout. 

Essentially, without them, the business owner’s vision and the buyer’s journey cannot be effectively replicated on the website.

There are compelling reasons why human web designers are required for business owners and managers, particularly in web development agencies. They are as follows:

  • Humans can create responsive and accessible web designs.
  • Humans can empathize with the web user, making the user experience better.
  • Humans can prioritize and save you time.
  • Humans (especially those in an on-demand design service) can revise your design until you are happy.
  • Humans can communicate and translate your brand message.
  • Humans can be a great design partner to grow your brand.

AI is a designer’s friend

Robot helping human
With the right skill (human) and tools (AI), web design can be made better

While AI cannot replace web designers, it can make their jobs easier. This is done by utilizing automated, more intelligent, and responsive design tools

These applications allow for infinite customizations, providing the designer and client with thousands of options to choose from.

However, keep in mind that relying solely on tools is not a good idea. “A sword has no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage skill,” a quote variation says. This also applies to designers and the work they deliver.

Web designers aren’t going away.

Web development is not disappearing anytime soon. Automation will make the design process faster and cheaper, but it will never make web designers obsolete.

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