Logo ideas for service companies

designer creating branding illustration

It’s important for a potential client to know what a company offers just by looking at its logo.

Coming up with a logo design for a business that sells physical products like clothes, shoes, and food can be easy but I couldn’t say the same for those offering services.

An accounting firm’s logo can be mistaken as a book store’s. A marketing agency’s logo almost always looks like a media company’s. How about law firms, can you imagine them all having the same gavel icon only in different colours?

These services don’t have physical products and are usually associated with digital packages and services that are quite complex to communicate in a single image.

Professionals can do it for you. Logo creators have tons of experience up their sleeves to create logos that can uniquely distinguish each company from others in similar industries. 

It’s best to consult with them so they can help you focus on brand messaging through the logo.

Service logo samples

4 smart tips for choosing a service logo

Start with the brand story

Whenever I request an illustration from Deer Designers, I would always try to tell a story through the image. You should do the same when requesting a logo because it bears the brand story.

With the brand story front and center, the designer can easily come up with the right elements. This will also make your logo more memorable and unique.

Make it simple

You will be tempted to put in all details, elements, and words in your logo especially when you collect feedback from your mom, dad, brother, wife, gym buddy, neighbour, and total strangers who are not your target market at all.

Oftentimes, the simple ones are those that stand out. If you’re unsure and don’t know how to keep your logo design minimal, you can hire a professional designer to make a couple of variations for you to choose from.

Choose the right type of imagery, typography, and colour

There are thousands of logo variations out there and I wrote a comprehensive guide for you to easily choose.

Just like I mentioned, if you’re just starting out a service, it’s better to include an identifier in your wordmark to avoid confusion. (Ex. John Doe’s Web Design Services or Mrs. Field’s Learning Center)

Highlight your brand’s promise

Because you’re offering something intangible, you can use related themes to further reinforce the brand in your potential client’s memory.

If your service has an excellent turnaround time, you can incorporate a lightning icon to represent speed. You can also use a stylized target to represent accuracy or an illustration of people forming a chain to represent collaboration.

The possibilities are endless!

love your own logo

Keep your promise

The logo makes the first impression and although that is significant, keeping your company’s promise is more important than simply brandishing it in the logo.

For service companies, a logo can be a beacon of excellence, reminding the clients and the employees that this is what you stand for and you uphold the same values. This is why it’s important to have a service logo designed right the first time.

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