5 tips to get more downloads of your lead magnet

baby in bag cartoon

My 2-year-old son likes to stuff things in my bag. One afternoon, I brought him with me to the bank for a quick errand.

He was so engrossed with the shelf of flyers and brochures that he spent the entire time we were there removing, shuffling, folding, and doing it all over again.

That night, when I was reorganizing my bag, I discovered a wad of flyers from the bank. It was an inch thick, so I had to return it where it came from. I knew who the culprit was 👶

The day I had to go back to the bank, I didn’t take my toddler with me anymore. But I took the opportunity to ask the bank manager for more details about the brochure. After a few minutes, I became a paying client, thanks to my son.

Digitally, brochures and flyers have taken on a new identity. They’re now called lead magnets.

A lead magnet, otherwise known as a “killer bribe”, offers an incentive in exchange for somebody else’s contact information.

It comes in the form of giveaway content or services, and other downloadable items that potential clients are likely to sign up for.

What are the most common lead magnet types you can use?

Mini-courses and other educational lead magnets

Do you know that the e-learning industry has an annual growth rate of 14.6%? And is expected to grow to a massive $374.3 billion by 2026?

You could create a webinar or a fully online course, but if it’s not feasible, consider creating a downloadable mini-course. A teaching credential isn’t required when hosting one: you can bank on the years of expertise you have.

Toolkits and resources

A toolkit must provide the necessary resources and tools the client needs to address their industry-related concerns.

No rules restrict the creation of toolkits. It may include a checklist or a calendar, an ebook about the industry, or a quick guide to a new tool. Just make sure that the content is relevant and related to the service you are offering.

Lead magnet design samples

How to get people to download your lead magnet?

Tip # 1 Focus on your target audience

Lead magnets should be aimed at finding a solution to the problems or needs of your audience. In this case, the offer should be directed to small and medium business entrepreneurs – the things they need and what matters to them.

Tip # 2 Make your lead magnets easily accessible

Personalized lead magnets that offer value capture leads at an amazing conversion rate of 30 to 40%.

Ensure that the web page they will download it from loads fast and has a clear call to action. If you need the downloader to complete a form, keep it short. An email address will suffice.

Tip # 3 Put valuable content

It should be straightforward and authoritative for people to trust you enough to download the lead magnet.

Those who will download the content are most likely avid followers of companies in similar industries so make sure that your content is authentic and plagiarism-free.

Tip # 4 Design it beautifully

My son wouldn’t mind the flyers if they were not colourful or visually attractive. Beautifully designed lead magnets that are easy on the eyes help in making sure that the reader actually consumes the content.

You may have spent a ton of effort with the research and think that people will read it even without design. Unfortunately, they won’t. It has to stand out. Hire a professional to do it instead.

Tip # 5 Keep them updated

Lead magnets expire due to constant data change and evolving consumer behaviour.  Updating your lead magnets will keep them from getting obsolete.

A successful lead magnet that delivers a good number of leads must still be optimized for better results.

How to design a lead magnet from start to finish?

  1. Determine what kind of lead magnet you’d like to offer, and your goal for it.
  2. Create an outline of the predetermined lead magnet and create a copy based on user intent.
  3. Once it’s accomplished and ready, find a professional who’d do the design. Subscribe to an on-demand design service that has a good track record based on positive client feedback, a reliable design process, and most importantly, effective design samples.
  4. Once it’s delivered, upload them to your website.
  5. Remember to run ads or link them on social media to direct traffic to it.

Industry knowledge is the new currency

A lead magnet is a powerful tool that lures the audience, regardless of the industry they’re engaged in, to be converted from being a curious visitor to a paying client.

Lead magnets are not only good for collecting data but also for displaying the company’s expertise, its ability to create fresh content, and its effort to stay on top of the industry trends.

Consider designing a lead magnet to add to any website and marketing campaign.

Do you have an active lead magnet on your website? What are you waiting for?

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