13 types of Illustration and the best kind to use for websites
The goal of a landing page or website content should be to educate and inform visitors without overwhelming them. When you have a lot to explain, it can be difficult. It is easier to illustrate what you can do for your client than it is to write it down.
5 Graphic design tools you can’t live without
Design tools make the life of a hustling designer-entrepreneur easier. Instead of investing in these tools, consider going a step further and investing in designers’ skills via an on-demand design service.
Will graphic designers become obsolete?
Graphic designers will always be in demand, but their role in the workplace may change as technology advances. There will always be people who can use these tools, but finding someone who will think outside the box and provide you with something unique will be more difficult.
Disadvantages of outsourcing graphic design
There are a few risks to outsourcing that you should be aware of as a business owner. It is always advantageous to be aware of the negative aspects of the game. This article will discuss the drawbacks of graphic design outsourcing and how to turn them around.
How a follow-worthy, consistent Instagram colour palette is made
Avoid posting just “anything” on Instagram just to fill a gap. Make it intentional and professional. You are running a company here, or a personal brand. Just follow the simple steps I mentioned to level up your Instagram feed.
5 ways to make your T-shirt Merch profitable
Selling t-shirts today or releasing your own brand’s merch can be profitable aside from its usual marketing purpose. All you need is a high-selling design that would fit your company branding.
4 Easy LinkedIn design tips
Present your best: personally and professionally in LinkedIn with well crafted designs.
Get your umbrella (designs) ready before the next storm
Right now you might think you have no recurring design needs because your clients say so, but remember, that you have your own company to look after. Request more designs now!
April Fools pranks you can use on your website and social media
April 1 is just around the corner, and it’s time to think about some practical jokes you can play on your website and social media visitors. As always, make sure not to hurt anyone (or any brand) in the process.
Which social media platform is the best for your business
This article with help you choose which social media channel best fits your industry in 3 easy steps.